Friday 30 October 2009

Catch-up 2

'Kay, so, more photos and art.

"They That Live Among Us"
A basic photo of Sam, and the tiny men are my own drawings. I didn't use a scanner to put them in, because I don't have one (yet), I took a picture on my phone and did some minor clipping on photoshop before pasting them onto the photo and placing them around a bit. Originally, there was going to be a little UFO whizzing across the screen at the top left, but I must have forgotten about it. I might edit it later to add the UFO.
Everytime Sam sees this, she quizzes me as to why she's being attacked by small men with spears. xD

I'm a huge fan of spontaneity, and this was totally spontaneous, no posing involved. The best photos are spontaneous. I had my phone out, but I don't think anyone knew I was using it. The composition of this photo is fantastic; I wish I had such luck every time I took a photo.

"Natural Sunblock is the Best Sunblock"
Nothing much to say about this photo, because I'm aware that photos of the sun through trees are all too common, but it seemed nice at the time.
Taken in Spain on a basic camera. I may be a photographer, but I've not yet even got a digital camera (but I have got a couple of film SLRs for my AS course).

"Young But Not Youthful"
Sam again! No offense to her by the title at all; I'm going on the assumption that nobody knows who the hell she is (because none of my friends except a few seem to care about my artistic interests anyway).

Updating later. :)