Wednesday 4 November 2009

Ceramics = < / 3 ... Therefore, I am brought to logical solution

Ceramics is first block today, and I hate getting my hands dirty just before I have to go to biology, because I always end up having to wash my hands on the way which makes me late, and the fact that Wednesday biology lessons are in a totally different building from where all the other science lessons are doesn't help much at all, because I always end up going to the normal biology laboratory and realising once I get to the door that I'm not even supposed to be there. So, basically, ceramics sucks.

I know that I'm probably going to lose my EMA for this week as a result of coming into the study centre and going on Facebook instead of going to the lesson, but to be honest, I hate ceramics so much that I don't think I care.

Anyway, on to more important things maybe?

I'm writing a couple of little story-type things, and I'd say to start off with that they're both pretty sad hobbies that I have. One is a vampire story (as if the world didn't have enough of those already) but approached from a more scientific sense than a magical one, and there's another one which is a sci-fi. I will go into no further detail about that one because I'm no doubt going to get negative feedback from it (or, at least, a neverending tease). But I thought it might be a good idea to PURHAPS post them chapter-by-chapter on here to see what people think?

P.S. The mailing list limit sucks. Only 10 people!? This is outrageous.